CS201 Lab: Design Sequential Adder, Subtractor, and Shift Regiser

Objective of this lab:

	To investigate arithmetic circuitry. 
	Arithmetic circuits play a central role in the operation of a microprocessor.


	Read lab lecture notes.

Lab Assignments

  1. Build a 4-bit right shift register device using four D-flip-flops and some one-bit tri-state buffers.
    Make sure that you have a LD control over it.
    When LD = 0, your register will be able to do parallel loading.
    When LD = 1, it will be able to shift right one bit (i.e. SI -> Q3 -> Q2 -> Q1 -> Q0).


  2. Obtain the state table, state diagram, and functions of the following sequential design.
    Implement the design and verify the state table.
    Use the 4-bit Shift Register you made to store and display the result of
          + 0001 


  3. Obtain the state table, state diagram, and functions of the following sequential design.
    Implement the design and verify the state table.
    Use the 4-bit Shift Register you made to store and display the result of
          - 0011  


  4. Implement the following bit sequential Adder-Subtractor design.

    X and Y are two operand inputs and Z is for the control signal i.e. Z is the selection bit.
    When Z has value 0, the circuit is an adder, meanwhile, the D flip-flop should be initialized to 0 for each addition.
    When Z has value 1, it performs subtraction, meawhile, the the D flip-flop should be initialized to 1 for each subtraction.

            Test your Adder-Subtractor circuit on the following operations and 
       	use the 4-bit Shift Register you made to store and display their results.  
    	(Note:	Start from the least significant bit and 
    	remember to initialize the D flip-flop accordingly)
    	0001 + 0011 = ? 
    	0101 + 0010 = ? 
    	0101 - 0011 = ? 
    	0011 - 0101 = ? 


Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.