CS201 Lab: Sequential Design

Objectives of this lab:

	To investigate flip-flop characteristics. 
	To verify sequential design procedures by building a simple counter.


	Read lab lecture notes which contains the Sequential Design Procedure.

Lab Assignments

  1. Implement the following circuit to test the characteristics of a D flip flop.

  2. Experimentally verify the JK flip-flop state table with the following circuit.
    Is the JK flip-flop positive or negative edge triggered?________
    Verify the Characteristic table.


    Reference The characteristic equation is Q(t+1) = JQ'(t) + K'Q(t).

    	Characteristic Table                    Excitation Table
    	==========================            ===================
    	J  K  Q(t+1)  Operation               Q(t)  Q(t+1)  J  K
    	==========================            ===================
    	0  0  Q(t)    No Change               0     0       0  x
    	--------------------------            -------------------
    	0  1  0       Reset                   0     1       1  x
    	--------------------------            -------------------
    	1  0  1       Set                     1     0       x  1
    	--------------------------            -------------------
    	1  1  Q'(t)   Complement              1     1       x  0
    	==========================            ===================
  3. Design a 3 bit counter which follows the sequence 0 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 7 -> 0.

Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.