CS210 Lab: Stacks--Exception Handling


What is an Exception?

How do you handle an Exception?

Use try-catch and throw statements.

Throw Statement

To throw (or raise) an exception, the programmer uses a throw statement, whose syntax is as follows:
	throw Expession;
Specifically, in this lab (in StackType.cpp) two exceptions are thrown:
	throw FullStack();
	throw EmptyStack();
Notice, that these are both "exception classes" which have been defined in StackType.h:
class FullStack
// Exception class thrown by Push when stack is full.

class EmptyStack
// Exception class thrown by Pop and Top when stack is emtpy.

Try-Catch Statement

If one part of a program throws an exception, another part should catch the exception and process it. This is done with the try-catch statement.

The general syntax of a try-catch statement is as follows:

catch ( FormalParameter ) 
catch ( FormalParameter ) 

In other words, the syntax is a try clause followed by one or more catch clauses. The "Block" may be any number of statements enclosed by a pair of {}.

When a statement or group of statements might result in an exception, we enclose them in a try clause. For each type of exception that can be produced by the statements in the try clause, we write a catch clause (exception handler).

Make sure that all exceptions are caught. An uncaught exception results in program termination with an error message.

Example Code of Try-Catch and Throw

The following is a complete code which shows how you can put Try-Catch and Throw together:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int Dividing( int, int);

class ZeroDiv // Exception class

int main()
	int num; // Numerator
	int num2; //Denominator
        float quo;
	cout << "Enter numerator: ";
  	cin >> num;
 	cout<< "Enter Denominator: ";
  	cin >> num2;	
	   if (num2==0)
	   throw ZeroDiv();
           quo = num/num2;
           cout<< "Their quotient is : " <<quo<<endl;
	catch (ZeroDiv)
		cout << "Can't divide by zero" << endl;
	return 0;

Lab Specific Hints

The only file that you will modify is Balanced.cpp
  1. Add a try clause
  2. Add a catch clause for FullStack, you don't need to add throw FullStack() since it is given in StackType.cpp

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