STM32 value line Discovery Board

Important Information about STM32VLDISCOVERY BOARD

  1. STM32VLDISCOVERY BOARD has two user LEDs (green and blue), so we could manage to make them "blink".
  2. LEDs:
  3. PC[15:0] are mapped to the GPIO Port C, where GPIO stands for General purpose I/O.
  4. The Boundary address for the GPIO Port C is 0x4001 1000 - 0x4001 13FF from the memory map.
  5. Check the GPIO register bank to get the correct addresses.
  6. Example:
    Address of GPIO_CRH (Port Configuration Register for PC15 -> PC8) is given by:
    Base Address + Offset = 0x4001 1000 + 0x04 = 0x4001 1004
  7. Wirte the correct value to the GPIO register to activate a GPIO.
    e.g. The bit 4 of RCC_APB2ENR (APB2 Peripheral Clock Enabele Register) is set to enable Port C.
  8. Please note that GPIO registers are different from ARM core registers.

Here are some relevant links for your references

  2. UM0919 User Manual, STM32 value line Discovery
  3. RM0041 Reference manual, STM32F100xx advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCUs
  4. Cortex-M3 Devices Generic User Guide
  5. Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual - ARM Information Center
  6. Cortex-M3 programming manual
  7. STM32VLDISCOVERY schematics

  8. Memory Map - Boundary address

  9. RCC register map

  10. GPIO register map

Lab Assignment

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