Introduction to ARM Assembly Language and Keil uVision4

Objective of this lab:

	To explore ARM archetecture and Keil uVision4


	Read lab lecture notes.

Lab Assignment

Write your first ARM assembly language program MyFirstARM.s.
The program will execute the following instructions. You will run the program step by step, observe and answer the question after each statement.

	MOV	R2,	#0x01		; R2 = ?
	MOV	R3,	#0x02		; R3 = ?
	;Other examples to move immediate values
	MOV	R5,	#0x3210		; R5 = ?

	MOVT	R5, 	#0x7654		; R5 = ?

	MOV32	R6, 	#0x87654321	; R6 = ?

	LDR	R7,	= 0x87654321    ; R7 = ?

	ADD	R1,R2,R3		; R1 = ?
	MOV32   R3, 	#0xFFFFFFFF	; R3 = ?
	ADDS	R1,R2,R3		; R1 = ?   
					; specify Condition Code updates

	SUBS	R1,R2,R3		; R1 = ?   
					; specify Condition Code updates

	MOV	R4, 	#0xFFFFFFFF	; R4 = ?
	ADD	R1,R2,R4		; R1 = ?   
				; How did that operation affect the flags in CPSR?

	ADDS	R1,R2,R4	; R1 = ?  
				; Please specify Condition Code updates
				; and now what happened to the flags in the CPSR?

	MOV	R2,	#0x00000002	; R2 = ?
	ADDS	R1,R2,R4		; R1 = ?
					; again, what happened to the flags?

   	MOV	R2,	#0x00000001	; R2 = ?
	MOV	R3,	#0x00000002	; R3 = ?
	ADDS	R1,R2,R3		; R1 = ?   
					; Add some small numbers again
					; and check the flags again......

	; Add numbers that will create an overflow
	MOV     R2, 	#0x7FFFFFFF	; R2 = ?
	MOV	R3, 	#0x7FFFFFFF 	; R3 = ?

	ADDS    R1,R2,R3		; R1 = ? 
					; Check the Overflow flag in the CPSR?

You will hand in the following:

  1. The print out of the screen shot of the program succefully built.
  2. The source code in the file MyFirstARM.s with the answers.

Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.