Enhance the 8-Bit CPU

Objective of this lab:

	To study the operation of a CPU and the control unit. 
	To enhance the ALU of the 8-bit CPU.


	Read lab lecture notes.

Lab Assignments

  1. Add OR operation to the 8-bit CPU that we have learned.
     	opcode# MNEMONIC                 DESCRIPTION
            00      XOR source, destination  XOR the contents of source,
                                             destination, and store the
                                             result in the destination
            01      AND source, destination  AND the contents of source,
                                             destination, and store the
                                             result in the destination
            10      NOT source, destination  invert the contents of
                                             source and store the result
                                             in destination
            11      OR source, destination   OR the contents of source, 
    					 destination,  and store the 
    					 result in destination
    Please note that the ALU will need two 8-bit operands input and produce the output of the ALU.
    Hand in a screen shot showing your new ALU in the 8-bit CPU circuit.

  2. Implement the following tasks with your enhanced 8-bit CPU, remember to pre-load the registers or memory when needed:
    	1) Write out and hand in the microinstructions to perform this operation 
    	   XOR #5,(C) 
    	   including the machine code and how you load it to the memory.
    	   Pre-load the registers or memory when needed.
    	   For example:  Load 00001000  to the C register
         			 Load 00000000  to the memory location 8
    	2) Write out and hand in the microinstructions to perform the operation
    	   OR 5, 8
    	   including the machine code and how you load it to the memory.
    	   Pre-load the registers or memory when needed.
    	   For example:  Load 00000000  to the memory location 5
    			 Load 00001010  to the memory location 8

Question (hand in your answer)

	   Describe how unconditional branches could be added to the CPU and 
	   what additional things this would require. 
	   Remember that a branch instruction uses an offset from the current 

	   Hand in your answer for this question.

Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.