VHDL Design for an 8-bit RISC Computer CPU Controller

The following code is from "Digital Design with CPLD Applications and VHDL", by Robert K. Dueck.
The idea here is to let you see the the CPU controller can be designed by using a Finite State Machine.
Read the code, and have fun! If you are interested, you can read Chaper 14 of the book.
-- Controller for 8-bit RISC CPU
-- Generates signals to transfer data between CPU modules
-- and controls arithmetic/logic functions.
-- Version 1 has four instructions, indicated in hexadecimal:
--	1	ADD	(Adds contents of Accumulator and MDR)
--	8	LOAD	(Loads data from ROM to Accumulator)
--	9	OUTPUT	(Transfers accumulator contents to Output Register)
--	F	HALT	(Stops processing)
--	Opcodes 0 to 7 are reserved for ALU functions, as follows:
--	0	INC		(Increments Accumulator (ACC))
--	1	ADD		(Adds contents of ACC and MDR)
--	2	SUB		(Subtracts contents of MDR from ACC)
--	3	DEC		(Decrements ACC)
--	4	NOT		(Complements ACC)
--	6	OR		(ACC OR MDR)
--	Above codes the same for opcodes and ALU function select codes.
-- Use BIT types so that control word can be assigned as hexadecimal.

ENTITY controller_v1 IS
		clock, reset	: IN	BIT;
		instruction	: IN	BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
		fetch, pc_inc, pc_oe		: OUT	BIT;
		ir_ld, ir_oe, mar_ld, rom_oe 	: OUT	BIT;
		acc_ld, acc_oe, alu_oe, mdr_ld	: OUT	BIT;
		or_ld				: OUT	BIT;
		s				: OUT	BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0));
END controller_v1;

ARCHITECTURE ctrl OF controller_v1 IS
	TYPE state_type IS (start, fetch1, fetch2, fetch3, fetch4, fetch5,
				load1, load2, load3, load4,
				add1, add2, add3, add4, add5, add6,
				output1, output2, halt);
	SIGNAL state 		: state_type;
	SIGNAL control_word	: BIT_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
	PROCESS(clock, reset)
		IF(reset = '0')THEN
			state <= start;
		ELSIF(clock'EVENT and clock = '1')THEN
				-- Create state machine for instruction sequences.
			CASE state IS
				WHEN start =>
					state <= fetch1;
				WHEN fetch1 =>		-- Fetch cycle
					state <= fetch2;
							-- (same for all instructions)
				WHEN fetch2 =>
					state <= fetch3;
				WHEN fetch3 =>
					state <= fetch4;
				WHEN fetch4 =>
					state <= fetch5;
				WHEN fetch5 =>
					CASE instruction IS	
							-- Decode instruction
						WHEN x"1" =>
							state <= add1;
						WHEN x"8" =>
							state <= load1;
						WHEN x"9" =>
							state <= output1;
						WHEN x"F" =>
							state <= halt;
						WHEN others =>
							state <= halt;
					END CASE;
				WHEN add1 =>		-- ADD
					state <= add2;
				WHEN add2 =>
					state <= add3;
				WHEN add3 =>
					state <= add4;
				WHEN add4 =>
					state <= add5;
				WHEN add5 =>
					state <= add6;
				WHEN add6 =>
					state <= fetch1;

				WHEN load1 =>		-- LOAD
					state <= load2;
				WHEN load2 =>
					state <= load3;
				WHEN load3 =>
					state <= load4;
				WHEN load4 =>
					state <= fetch1;

				WHEN output1 => 	-- OUTPUT
					state <= output2;
				WHEN output2 =>
					state <= fetch1;

				WHEN halt =>		-- HALT
					state <= halt;
				WHEN others =>
					state <= halt;
	-- Assign control bus outputs.
	fetch	<=	control_word(14);
	pc_inc	<=	control_word(13);
	pc_oe	<=	control_word(12);
	ir_ld	<=	control_word(11);
	ir_oe	<=	control_word(10);
	mar_ld	<=	control_word(9);
	rom_oe	<=	control_word(8);
	acc_ld	<=	control_word(7);
	acc_oe	<=	control_word(6);
	alu_oe	<=	control_word(5);
	mdr_ld	<=	control_word(4);
	or_ld	<=	control_word(3);
	s	<=	control_word(2 downto 0);
	-- Assign output control lines for each control state
	-- "Fetch" output goes LOW to turn on LED during fetch cycle
		control_word <=	x"4000" WHEN start,	-- Fetch LED OFF
			x"1000" WHEN fetch1,	-- pc_oe
			x"2200" WHEN fetch2,	-- pc_inc, mar_ld
			x"0100" WHEN fetch3,	-- rom_oe
			x"0800" WHEN fetch4,	-- ir_ld
			x"0000" WHEN fetch5,	-- wait state
			x"4400" WHEN load1,	-- ir_oe
			x"4200" WHEN load2,	-- mar_ld
			x"4100" WHEN load3,	-- rom_oe
			x"4080" WHEN load4,	-- acc_ld
			x"4401" WHEN add1,	-- ir_oe,  s=001
			x"4201" WHEN add2,	-- mar_ld, s=001
			x"4101" WHEN add3,	-- rom_oe, s=001
			x"4011" WHEN add4,	-- mdr_ld, s=001
			x"4021" WHEN add5,	-- alu_oe, s=001
			x"4081" WHEN add6,	-- acc_ld, s=001
			x"4040" WHEN output1,	-- acc_oe
			x"4008" WHEN output2,	-- or_ld
			x"4000" WHEN others;	-- Fetch LED stays OFF
END ctrl;