VHDL Design for a Counter with a Finite Sate Machine

VHDL Code for the Finite State Machine

-- Company: 	   Computer Science Department 
-- Engineer: 	   Guili Liu
-- Create Date:    10:30:58 02/31/2009 
-- Design Name:    counter.vhd
-- Module Name:    counter - Behavioral 
-- Project Name:   counter
-- Target Devices: xc2vp30-6ff1152
-- Tool versions: 
-- Description:    This is the top level HDL file for a counter with finite states
-- Dependencies: 
-- Revision: 
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments: 
library IEEE;

entity Vhdl_FSM is
 port(CLK : in std_logic;     -- clock signal to run system
    EXT_RST: in std_logic;  -- external reset to control restarting FSM
    LSB_BIT: in std_logic;  -- input to control FSM
    Cntl_Shft: out std_logic;   -- output to control shift of register
    Cntl_Write: out std_logic;  -- output to allow register to load
                                -- to allow us to see internal signals on simulator
    Done: out std_logic;
    Inc: out std_logic;
    NState: out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0)
 end Vhdl_FSM;

architecture RTL of Vhdl_FSM is
    constant S0 : Std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0) := "00";
    constant S1 : Std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0) := "01";
    constant S2 : Std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0) := "10";
    constant S3 : Std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0) := "11";
    signal FSM_INC_3Bit : std_logic;   -- if bit is high then increment 3bit counter
    signal FSM_State: std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0);
    signal FSM_NextState: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    signal FSM_3BitCntr: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- allows count upto 8
    signal FSM_Done: std_logic;          -- when the 8 steps are complete

    reg_3Bit_Counter: process (CLK)
          If CLK'Event and CLK = '1' then
             If Ext_Rst = '1' then
                FSM_3BitCntr <= "000";
                   elsif FSM_INC_3Bit = '1' then
                       FSM_3BitCntr <= FSM_3BitCntr + 1;
                   end if;
             end if;
    end process reg_3Bit_Counter;

    reg_2Bit_FSM: process(CLK)
          If CLK'Event and CLK = '1' then
             if Ext_Rst = '1' then
                 FSM_STATE <= "00";
                       FSM_STATE <= FSM_NextState;
                     end if;
		end if;
     end process reg_2Bit_FSM;

     combo_Control_Outputs: process ( FSM_STATE)
               WHEN S0 =>
                  Cntl_Shft <= '0';
                  Cntl_Write <= '0';
                  FSM_INC_3Bit <= '0';
               WHEN S1 =>
                  Cntl_Shft <= '0' ;
                  Cntl_Write <= '1' ;
                  FSM_INC_3Bit <= '0' ;        
               WHEN S2 =>
                  Cntl_Shft <= '1' ;
                  Cntl_Write <= '0' ;
                  FSM_INC_3Bit <= '1' ;
               WHEN S3 =>
                  Cntl_Shft <= '0' ;
                  Cntl_Write <= '0' ;
                  FSM_INC_3Bit <= '0' ;
               WHEN others =>
                  Cntl_Shft <= '0' ;
                  Cntl_Write <= '0' ;
                  FSM_INC_3Bit <= '0' ;
               END CASE;
     end process combo_Control_Outputs;

     combo_Next_state: process ( FSM_STATE, LSB_BIT, FSM_Done)
         case FSM_STATE is
              when S0 =>
                  If LSB_BIT = '1' then
                     FSM_NextState <= S1;
                     FSM_NextState <= S2;
                     end if;
              when S1 =>
                     FSM_NextState <= S2;
              when S2 =>
                     FSM_NextState <= S3;
              when S3 =>
                     if FSM_Done = '1' then
                       FSM_NextState <= S3;
                       FSM_NextState <= S0;
                     end if;
              when others =>
                     FSM_NextState <= S0;
              end case;
     end process combo_Next_State;
     combo_Done_Bit: process ( FSM_3BitCntr )
         if FSM_3BitCntr = "111" then
            FSM_Done <= '1';
            FSM_Done <= '0';
         end if;
     end process combo_Done_Bit;
     -- This may not even be needed with the new simulator
     -- not sure how to do this so just added these output signals
     -- so we can see them on the simulator
     combo_output_values: process ( FSM_3BitCntr )
         Done <= FSM_Done;
         Inc <= FSM_INC_3Bit;
         NState <= FSM_NextState;
     end process combo_output_values;

end RTL;

State Diagram of the Finite State Machine