Using VHDL to Describe Flip-Flops and Registers


1. D-Flip-Flop

Flip-Flops are basic storage/memory elements. A sequential circuit consists of a combinational circuit and storage elements (flip-flops) that together form a feedback system. We have learned quite a few of flip-flops in CS201. In this lab we are going to see how to use VHDL to describe flip-flops.

D-flip-flop is a very useful storage element. Its present state-next state table demonstrates the behavior of a D-flip-flop.
It has the following characteristics:

	Characteristic equation:	Q(t+1) = D 

        Characteristic Table            Excitation Table
        ====================            ===================
        D  Q(t+1)  Operation            Q(t)  Q(t+1)   D
        ====================            ===================
        0    0     Reset                 0      0      0
        --------------------            -------------------
        1    1     Set                   0      1      1
        ====================            -------------------
                                         1      0      0
                                         1      1      1

We can use VHDL models to describe it also.

Create D-Flip-Flop using process and if statement

For the D-flip-flop symbol and the truth table below,


	Truth Table 
	ena	d	q
	0	0	Hold
	0	1	Hold
	1	0	0
	1	1	1

we can have the following VHDL code for it:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dffv1 is 

		d	: in	std_logic;
		ena	: in	std_logic;
		q	: out	std_logic

end dffv1;

architecture arch1 of dffv1 is
  process (d, ena)
  	if (ena = '1') then 
  	    q <= d;
  	end if;
  end process;

end arch1;

Here is another version of VHDL description of a D-flip-flop.
You may have noticed that this version has set and reset signals.
When S is set to 1, Q = 1 and Qbar = 0; when R is set to 1, Q = 0 and Qbar = 1.
Here is a symbol for it:


We can use VHDL to describe it as follows:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dffv2 is 

		EN	: in	std_logic;
		D	: in	std_logic;
		Q	: out	std_logic;
		Qbar	: out	std_logic;
		S	: in	std_logic;
		R	: in	std_logic

end dffv2;

architecture behavior of dffv2 is


  -- Your VHDL code defining the model goes here
  process (D, EN, R, S)
  if (R = '1') then
  	Q <= '0';
  	Qbar <= '1';
  	elsif  (S = '1') then
  	Q <= '1';
  	Qbar <= '0';
  	elsif  (en = '1') then
  		q <= D;
  		Qbar <= (not D);
  		end if;
  end process;

end behavior;

Create D-Flip-Flop with clock

For the following symbol,


we have the corresponding VHDL description below:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dffv3 is 

		D	: in	std_logic;
		clk	: in	std_logic;
		Qbar	: out	std_logic;
		Q	: out	std_logic

end dffv3;

architecture bhav of dffv3 is


  -- Your VHDL code defining the model goes here
  process (d, clk)
  	-- clock rising edge
  	if (clk'event and clk='1') then
  		q <= d;
  		Qbar <= not d;
  	end if;
  end process;
end bhav;

Can you improve this D-Flip-Flop by adding the Reset and Set inputs? Try it yourself.

Create D-Flip-Flop using wait statement

The various WAIT statements explicitly specify the conditions under which a process may resume execution after being suspended. The forms of the WAIT statement include the following:

	wait for time expression;   e.g. wait for 10 ns;
	wait on signal;		    e.g. wait on clk;
	wait until condition;	    e.g. wait until(clk'event and clk = '1');

For this symbol, the corresponding VHDL code follows.


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dff is 

		D	: in	std_logic;
		CLK	: in	std_logic;
		Q	: out	std_logic;
		Qbar	: out	std_logic

end dff;

architecture arch1 of dff is


  -- Your VHDL code defining the model goes here
  output: process
  	wait until (CLK'event and CLK = '1');
  	Q <= D after 10 ns;
  	Qbar <= not D after 10 ns;
  end process output;
end arch1;

You are going to create VHDL models for JK-flip-flops for your lab assignment.


Here is a quick review of the JK-flip-flop.

The JK flip-flop is very flexible and therefore allows simpler circuit designs. You are going to create VHDL models for the negative edge triggered JK flip-flops (i.e it allows the signal to change on the negative edge of the clock). The present state-next state table below demonstrates the behavior of the flip-flop.

	The characteristic equation is Q(t+1) = JQ'(t) + K'Q(t).

        Characteristic Table                    Excitation Table
        ==========================            ===================
        J  K  Q(t+1)  Operation               Q(t)  Q(t+1)  J  K
        ==========================            ===================
        0  0  Q(t)    No Change               0     0       0  x
        --------------------------            -------------------
        0  1  0       Reset                   0     1       1  x
        --------------------------            -------------------
        1  0  1       Set                     1     0       x  1
        --------------------------            -------------------
        1  1  Q'(t)   Complement              1     1       x  0
        ==========================            ===================

2. A Brief Introduction to Registers

Flip-flops are generally found in programmable logic device (PLD) as registered output. That means an output of a PLD having a flip-flop (usually D-flip-flop) that stores the output state. A register is one or more flip-flops used to store data. In other words, a register is a digital circuit such as a flip-flop or an array of flip-flops that stores one or more bits of digital information.

The shift register is one important kind. The following table shows you more information about shift registers.

Shift Register        -	A synchronous sequential circuit that will
			store and move n-bit data, either serially 
			or in parallel, in n flip-flops.

Serial Shifting	     -  Movement of data from one end of a shift register
			to the other at a rate of one bit per clock pulse.

Parallel Transfer    -  Movement of data into all flip-flops of a 
			shift register at the same time.

Rotation	     -  Serial shifting of data with the output(s) of
			the last flip-flop connected to the synchronous
			input(s) of the first flip-flop.  The result
			is continuous circulation of the same data.

Right Shift	     -  A movement of data from the left to the right 
			in a shift register.
Left Shift	     -  A movement of data from the right to the left 
			in a shift register.
Bidirectional Shift Register - A shift register that can serially shift
			bits left or right according to the state of a 
			direction control input.

Parallel Load Shift Register - A shift register that can be preset to
			any value by directly loading a binary number
			into it's internal flip-flops.

Universal Shift Register     - A shift register that can operate with 
			combination of serial and parallel inputs and outputs.
			That is, serial in/serial out, 
				 serial in/parallel out,
				 parallel in/serial out,
				 parallel in/parallel out.
			A universal shift register is often bidirectional,
			as well.

The following picture shows the data movement in a 4-bit shift register.


The next picture shows a circuit of a 4-bit serial shift register designed to shift right. To make other shift registers, extra gates are needed.


3. Using VHDL to Describe Registers

The shift registers can be programmed in VHDL by taking different approaches. In the following sections, we will look at 4-bit shift registers.

Structural Design

Structural design is like taking components out of a bin and connecting them together to make a circuit. We can use a D-Flip-Flop that was already created, and instantiate it four times to make a 4-bit shift register with connections made by internal signals. We have used this technique for building the 4-bit parallel adder in lab 5. You may try this approach to build a 4-bit shift register by yourself.

Dataflow Design

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity sreg4dflw is 

		serial_in	: in	std_logic;
		clk	: in	std_logic;
		q	: out	std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));

end sreg4dflw;

architecture right_shift of sreg4dflw is

	signal d: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

  -- Your VHDL code defining the model goes here
  process (clk)
  	-- Define a 4-bit d-flip-flop
  	if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
  		q <= d;
  	end if;
  end process;
  d <= serial_in & q(3 downto 1);
  -- This is equivalent to the following code:
  -- d(3) <= serial_in;
  -- d(2) <= q(3);
  -- d(1) <= q(2);
  -- d(0) <= q(1);
end right_shift;

Behavior Design

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity sreg4behv is 

		serial_in	: in	std_logic;
		clk	: in	std_logic;
		q	: out	std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)

end sreg4behv;

architecture right_shift of sreg4behv is


  -- Your VHDL code defining the model goes here
  process (clk)
  	-- Define a 4-bit d-filp-flop
  	if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
  		q <= serial_in & q(3 downto 1);
  	end if;
  end process;
end right_shift;

4. VHDL Operators for your reference
   VHDL Operators

   Highest precedence first,
   left to right within same precedence group,
   use parenthesis to control order.
   Unary operators take an operand on the right.
   "result same" means the result is the same as the right operand.
   Binary operators take an operand on the left and right.
   "result same" means the result is the same as the left operand.

**   exponentiation,  numeric ** integer,  result numeric
abs  absolute value,  abs numeric,  result numeric
not  complement,      not logic or boolean,  result same

*    multiplication,  numeric * numeric,  result numeric
/    division,        numeric / numeric,  result numeric
mod  modulo,          integer mod integer,  result integer
rem  remainder,       integer rem integer,  result integer

+    unary plus,      + numeric,  result numeric
-    unary minus,     - numeric,  result numeric

+    addition,        numeric + numeric,  result numeric
-    subtraction,     numeric - numeric,  result numeric
&    concatenation,   array or element & array or element,
                        result array

sll  shift left logical,     logical array sll integer,  result same
srl  shift right logical,    logical array srl integer,  result same
sla  shift left arithmetic,  logical array sla integer,  result same
sra  shift right arithmetic, logical array sra integer,  result same
rol  rotate left,            logical array rol integer,  result same
ror  rotate right,           logical array ror integer,  result same

=    test for equality, result is boolean
/=   test for inequality, result is boolean
<    test for less than, result is boolean
<=   test for less than or equal, result is boolean
>    test for greater than, result is boolean
>=   test for greater than or equal, result is boolean

and  logical and,                logical array or boolean,  result is same
or   logical or,                 logical array or boolean,  result is same
nand logical complement of and,  logical array or boolean,  result is same
nor  logical complement of or,   logical array or boolean,  result is same
xor  logical exclusive or,       logical array or boolean,  result is same
xnor logical complement of exclusive or,  logical array or boolean,  result is same

Here is the reference page for the above table.

5. Lab Assignments

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