#include <iostream.h>

void main(void)
    // Variables declared as Build-in Data type. It is unstructured.
    // Variable W1 and L1 respresent the width and lenght of a rectangle
    // They should be combined together into a data structure for readability.

    int w1=5;
    int l1=6;
    int w2=w1;
    int l2=l1;

    cout<<"Width of rectangle is: "<<w1<<endl;
    cout<<"Length of rectangle is: "<<l1<<endl;
    cout<<"Area of rectangle is: "<<w1*l1<<endl<<endl;

    cout<<"Width of rectangle is: "<<w2<<endl;
    cout<<"Length of rectangle is: "<<l2<<endl;
    cout<<"Area of rectangle is: "<<w2*l2<<endl<<endl;

    cout<<"Combined area of both rectangles is: "<<(w1*l1)+(w2*l2)<<endl;