
Contents of this section:

  1. A simple program demonstrating structure
  2. Nested structure
  3. Using functions in structure

1. A simple program demonstrating structure

    Code Listing: 

// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose:   Demonstrates the use of structure in C++.
//            Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
//            the info out.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
        // Defining a structure
        struct PersonalData
                char *FirstName;
                char *LastName;
                char *Birthday;  // in the format of 12/30/1978
                int  PhoneNum;
        }; // don't forget the ending ";"

        // Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
        PersonalData PersonOne;

        // Populate PersonOne with data
        PersonOne.FirstName = "John";
        PersonOne.LastName = "Doe";
        PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
        PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;

        // Print the data out
        cout << "PersonOne's First name is: " << PersonOne.FirstName << endl;
        cout << "PersonOne's Last name is: " << PersonOne.LastName<< endl;
        cout << "PersonOne's Birthday is: " << PersonOne.Birthday<< endl;
        cout << "PersonOne's Phone number is: " << PersonOne.PhoneNum<< endl;

        return 0;

    Running session:

@9:51am merc-hu[34]% CC -LANG:std StrucSimple.cpp -o StrucSimple
@9:52am merc-hu[35]% StrucSimple
PersonOne's First name is: John
PersonOne's Last name is: Doe
PersonOne's Birthday is: 12/30/1978
PersonOne's Phone number is: 5855555
@9:52am merc-hu[36]% 

2. Nested structure

Code listing:

// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose:   Demonstrates the use of nested structure in C++.
//            Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
//            the info out.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
        // Defining a structure for name
        struct Name
                char *FirstName;
                char *LastName;

        struct PersonalData
                Name NameField; // struct as a memeber
                char *Birthday;  // in the format of 12/30/1978
                int  PhoneNum;
        }; // don't forget the ending ";"

        // Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
        PersonalData PersonOne;

        PersonOne.NameField.FirstName = "John";
        PersonOne.NameField.LastName = "Doe";

        // Populate PersonOne with data
        PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
        PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;

        // Print the data out
        cout << "First name is: " << PersonOne.NameField.FirstName << endl;
        cout << "Last name is: " << PersonOne.NameField.LastName<< endl;
        cout << "Birthday is: " << PersonOne.Birthday<< endl;
        cout << "Phone number is: " << PersonOne.PhoneNum<< endl;

        return 0;

Running session:

@9:59am merc-hu[45]% CC -LANG:std StructNested.cpp -o StructNest
@10:00am merc-hu[47]% StructNest 
First name is: John
Last name is: Doe
Birthday is: 12/30/1978
Phone number is: 5855555
@10:00am merc-hu[48]% 

3. Using functions in structure

    Code Listing: 

// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose:   Demonstrates the use of funciton in C++ struct.
//            Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
//            the info out.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
        struct PersonalData
                char *FirstName;
                char *LastName;
                char *Birthday;  // in the format of 12/30/1978
                int  PhoneNum;

                // struc can also have member functions
                void PrintDat()
                        // Print the data out
                        cout << "First name is: " << FirstName << endl;
                        cout << "Last name is: " << LastName << endl;
                        cout << "Birthday is: " << Birthday << endl;
                        cout << "Phone number is: " << PhoneNum << endl;
        }; // don't forget the ending ";"

        // Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
        PersonalData PersonOne;

        // Populate PersonOne with data
        PersonOne.FirstName = "John";
        PersonOne.LastName = "Doe";
        PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
        PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;

        return 0;

    Running session:

@10:07am merc-hu[51]% CC -LANG:std StrucFunc.cpp -o StrucFunc
@10:08am merc-hu[52]% StrucFunc
First name is: John
Last name is: Doe
Birthday is: 12/30/1978
Phone number is: 5855555
@10:08am merc-hu[53]% 


Last modified: Friday, 21-Aug-2020 15:28:14 CST
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