Note: This website is not updated anymore and may contain outdated information. The new website is at

Account Guidelines

Use of your account on a continued basis (more than once) constitutes your understanding and acceptance of the terms below. If you do not agree to these terms, you must return your account sheet to your instructor and not use your account.
  • Computer accounts are given to students for undergraduate and graduate work.
Account Policy
Account Guidline
To Login
Undergraduate Account Policy
    Account information (userid and password) must be treated as highly personal. If you allow another person to use your account, you, not the other person, are responsible for misuse or abuse of the account. If your account is locked, excuses such as "someone else got into my account and ..." are not acceptable.

  • The University owns the account and has the right to govern its use. Disciplinary action for misuse of an account may include temporary or permanent loss of the account. A computer account is a privilege, not a right.

  • Students taking Computer Science classes must go to a CS Lab Instructor for resolving account related problems, such as a forgotten password. Lab Instructors hold Office Hours in CL119.

  • Do not tamper with system software, or other users' files. Abuse will result in an immediate loss of privileges and disciplinary action.

  • Utilities such as talk, telnet, ftp, ssh, and lynx, and under X-Windows, Firefox, are available to communicate with other systems and users as required by your classes. Connections to off-campus sites should not be attempted during prime time (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday), unless the connection is directly related to class/research work.

  • If you receive unsolicited messages from anyone on the system that you consider intrusive and/or offensive, please contact Computing Services (AH106) immediately for appropriate action against the perpetrator(s).

  • Data residing in or entering into Canada is governed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all Canadian Laws, and University policy.
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