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M.Sc. Program (Co-op route)

The Master's co-op route requires students to pursue research areas supported by the Department of Computer Science. A fully qualified student may complete a Master's co-op route by undertaking 21 credits of coursework; 12 credits of professionally oriented project research; and 3 credits of co-op education placement project report, presentation and defense.

M.Sc. co-op route requirements (36 credits)

Minimum 7 courses 21 credit hours
8 months co-op education placement (CS 601/602) 12 credit hours
Project report, presentation & defense (CS 600) 3 credit hours
Total: 36 credit hours

That is, the co-op route requirements are as follows:

  • Seven classes (3 credit hours each)
    1. CS 800-level
    2. CS 800-level
    3. CS 800-level
    4. CS 800-level
    5. CS*
    6. CS/non-CS*
    7. CS/non-CS*
  • Two co-op work terms CS 601 and 602 (12 credit hours)
  • Placement project report, presentation and report CS 600 (3 credit hours)

* One of these may be a 400-level class (others are 800-level)

Grad Coop Students are not allowed to take courses during work terms

Registration in CS 600 (Coop Work Term Report) is allowed after completion of the second work term (CS 602)


Graduate Co-op Students Information Manual

Example of Graduate Co-op Work Term Report

Pre-Approved Non-Computer Science Courses

The following courses have been pre-approved and will satisfy the non-CS course requirement in all CS graduate programs listed above. Please note that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the non-CS courses that may be taken. Its only purpose is to itemize those courses that have already been examined and approved. Students are encouraged to consider courses not on the list that are relevant to their programs, while being reminded that all non-CS courses not on the list must be approved.

  • Courses in Electronic Systems Engineering: ENEL 489, 492, 495, 811, 812, 813, 850, 857
  • Courses in Software Systems Engineering: ENSE 483, 882, 883
  • Courses in Mathematics and Statistics: MATH 809, 827, 869, STAT 852, 871
  • Courses in Busness Administration: GBUS 866

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