CS201 Lab: Arithmetic Operations and Debugging

	In this lab, we are going to explore how to do arithmetic
	operations in SPIM.

	SPIM is a simulator for the MIPS.
	MIPS processor contains 32 general purpose registers
	that are numbered from 0 to 31.  The registers are used in
	the SPIM instructions, particularly, in arithmetic operations.
	The next section provides a summary of the 32 registers
	that will be used in our labs.

MIPS Registers and the Conventions of Use

Here is a summary of the MIPS register file for your reference.

	Register Name 	Number 	Usage
  	Zero 	  	$0 	Constant 0
  	$at 		$1 	Reserved for assembler
  	$v0 		$2	Used for the expression evaluation 
	$v1		$3	and results of a function
  	$a0 		$4	Used to pass arguments to functions
	$a1 		$5
	$a2		$6
	$a3 		$7
	$t0 - $t7	$8-$15	Temporary (not preserved across call)
	$s0 - $s7	$16-$23	Saved temporary (preserved across call)
	$t8 - $t9	$24-$25	Temporary (not preserved across call)
	$k0 - $k1	$26-$27	Reserved for OS kernel 
  	$gp 		$28 	Pointer to global area
  	$sp 		$29 	Stack Pointer
  	$fp 		$30 	Frame Pointer
  	$ra 		$31 	Return address (used by function call)

	NOTE:  	The MIPS processor also has 16 floating point registers 
		$f0, $f1, ..., $f15 to hold numbers in floating point 
		form, such as 3.1415.

Arithmetic Instructions

Arithmetic instructions are very basic and frequently used in your SPIM programming.
Here is a table that summarizes the usage of the MIPS processor's arithmetic instructions with examples.

  Instruction		Mnemonic		Meaning
  Add			add $t1,$t2,$t3		#  $t1=$t2+$t3
  Add immediate		addi $t1,$t2,50		#  $t1=$t2+50
  Subtract		sub $t1,$t2,$t3		#  $t1=$t2-$t3
  Multiply		mul $t1,$t2,$t3		#  $t1=$t2*$t3

  Multiply		mult $t2,$t3		#  Hi,Lo=$t2*$t3
  Divide		div $t1,$t2,$t3		#  $t1=$t2/$t3
  Divide		div $t2,$t3		#  Lo=$t2/$t3
                                                #  Hi=$t2 mod $t3
  Move from Hi		mfhi $t1		#  $t1=Hi
                                                #  get copy of Hi
  Move from Lo		mflo $t1		#  $t1=Lo
                                                #  get copy of Lo

An Example of using Arithmetic Instructions

## 	The program --- convertC2F.s 
##		- will ask the user for a temperature in Celsius,
##		- convert it to Fahrenheit, and
##		- print the result.
##		Here is the formula of the conversion:
##              F = (9*C/5)+32
##		$v0 - reads in Celsius
##		$t0 - holds Fahrenheit result
##      	$a0 - points to output strings

#                                               #
#               text segment                    #
#                                               #

        .globl __start
__start:                # execution starts here

        la $a0,prompt   # print prompt on terminal
        li $v0,4        # system call to print
        syscall         # out a string

        li $v0,5	# syscall 5 reads an integer

	mul $t0,$v0,9 	# to convert, multiply by 9,
	div $t0,$t0,5 	# divide by 5, then
	addi $t0,$t0,32  # add 32

	la $a0,ans1	# print string before result
	li $v0,4

	move $a0,$t0	# print result
	li $v0,1

	la $a0,endl	# syscal to print out
	li $v0,4	# a new line

	li $v0,10
	syscall		# Bye!

#                                               #
#               data segment                    #
#                                               #

	prompt:	.asciiz "Enter temperature (Celsius): "
	ans1:	.asciiz "The temperature in Fahrenheit is "
	endl:	.asciiz "\n"	   

## 	end of file convertC2F.s

Learning Debugging by an Example

Here is a program that should produce the answer of 180. Let's have a look and see what it gives us.

## 	Program Name:	math1.s 
##		- will calculate the value of
##		- A*X^2+B*X+C  and
##		- print the result in format "Answer = 180".
##		$t4 - holds the result of the calculation
##      	$a0 - points to output strings

#                                               #
#               text segment                    #
#                                               #

        .globl __start
__start:                # execution starts here

	lw $t0,X
	lw $t1,A
	lw $t2,B
	lw $t3,C
        mul $t4,$t0,$t0		# t4 = X^2
	mul $t4,$t4,$t1 	# t4 = A*X^2
	mul $t5,$2,$t0  	# t5 = B*X
	add $t4,$t4,$t5 	# t4 = A*X^2+B*X
	addi $t4,$t4,$t3	# t4 = A*X^2+B*X+C
	la $a0,ans1	# print string before result
	li $v0,4

	move $a0,$t4	# print result
	li $v0,1

	la $a0,endl	# syscal to print out
	li $v0,4	# a new line

	li $v0,10	# Exit
	syscall		# Bye!

#                                               #
#               data segment                    #
#                                               #

	X:	.word 7
	A:	.word 3
	B:	.word 4
	C:	.word 5
	ans1:	.asciiz "Answer = "
	endl:	.asciiz "\n"	   

## 	end of file math1.s

In SPIM programming, syntax errors are easy to locate and fix because the assembler will automatically tell you which line has a problem. To find a logical error, you can single step through the program watching the values in the registers as each instruction is executed. Single stepping is extremely important because it is the best way to find a logical error in your program by pinpointing the precise line which caused the error. To step through your program, you must either declare a break point or start stepping from __start label line by line. Your lab instructor will demonstrate the debugging process with the above example in the lab.

Lab Assignment

Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.