Swap Sort in Java With PDL

In this example code, the PDL comments have been highlighted to help you identify them more easily.

The purpose of a swap sort is to put an array of numbers into
sequential order. This sorting is accomplished by comparing the
values of two adjacent values in the array. If the two numbers
are already in proper numerical order, the numbers remain in
position. If the two adjacent numbers are out of proper sequence,
their positions are interchanged.

The function needs to know the content of an array of numbers
and the count of numbers in that array.

Last modification done on:  June 6, 2000.

Output should look like this:

Contents of original array:
8 3 5 1

Contents of swapped array:
1 3 5 8


import java.lancs.*;

public class java_code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int Temp;
        int MAX=4;
        int[] ArrayToSort = {8, 3, 5, 1};  

        /* Print the original array contents */

        System.out.println("Contents of the original array: ");
        for (int First = 0; First < MAX; First++)
            System.out.print(ArrayToSort[First] + " ");


        /* Loop, counting down from the count of numbers to 1 */

        for (int count = (MAX-1); count > 0; count--)
            /* Loop, counting from 1 to the current value of the outer
                  loop counter */

            for (int index = 0; index < (MAX-1); index++)
                /* (Assuming the value of the inner loop index is n:) */i
                /* If the nth element in the array is larger than the
                      (n+1)th element */

                if (ArrayToSort[index] > ArrayToSort[index+1])
                    /* Assign the nth array element to a temporary variable */
                    Temp = ArrayToSort[index];

                    /* Assign the (n+1)th array element to the nth array element */

                    ArrayToSort[index] = ArrayToSort[index+1];

                    /* Assign the temporary variable to the (n+1)th element
                          in the array */

                    ArrayToSort[index+1] = Temp;
                }    /* End if */
            }    /* End loop */
        }    /* End loop */
        /* Print the sorted array contents */

        System.out.println("Contents of swapped array:");

        for (int NewFirst = 0; NewFirst < MAX; NewFirst++)
            System.out.print(ArrayToSort[NewFirst] + " ");

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Created by Allan Caine, Laura Drever, Gorana Jankovic, Megan King, and Marie Lewis.
Revised by Vince Sorensen and Mandy Aldcorn.
Last Modified: June 8, 2000
Copyright 2000 Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.

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