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C.S. Dept 1985 Publications

1985  publications publication index

Cercone, N., and Goebel, R (1984) Data Bases and Knowledge Representation for Literary and Linguistic Studies. Computers and the Humanities 17(3), 121-138.

Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (1984) Artificial Intelligence: Underlying Assumptions and Basic Objectives. American Journal for Information Science 35(5), 280-290.

McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Artificial Intelligence: A National Synopsis. INFOR 22(4), 299-302.

McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Directions for Canadian Artificial Intelligence. CIPS Session '84, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 191-198.

Cercone, N., Hafer, L., and Murchison, C. (1984) A Contemporary Modular Design for Computing Science Instructional Laboratories: The Simon Fraser University Experience, IEEE EDCOMPCON- 84, San Jose, Calif., 21-28.

McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Canadian Artificial Intelligence in the Next Decade: Funding, Strategies, and the Role of the CSCSI/SCEIO, 5th CSCSI/SCEIO, London, Ontario, 167-176.

Cercone, N., Hadley, R., Martin, F., McFetridge, P., and Strzalkowski, T. (1984) Designing and Automating the Quality Assessment of a Knowledge Based System: The Initial Automated Academic Advisor Experience, IEEE Principles of Knowledge Based Systems, Denver, Colorado,193-205.

"Computer Voice Support for Visually Handicapped Students." A.G. Law, R.B. Maguire, D.F.G. Sabo and B.M. Shuparski, Computers and Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1984, 35-39.

F. Chin and S.K.M. Wong, "An Optimal Solution for Printing and Binding", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 15 (1984), 117-127.

S.K.M. Wong and V.V. Raghavan, "Vector Space Model of Information Retrieval--A Re-evaluation," Proceedings of the 3rd Joint BCS and ACM Symposium--Research and Development in Information Retrieval (Cambridge, 1984), 167-185.

Y. Xiang and S. Yang, ``Multi-User Dynamic Simulation and Realization of Passive Clock Synchronization in Time Division Multiple Access Communication and Position System'', 8442 Symposium of Chinese Aeronautical Academy, 1984.

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