CS210 Lab: Hash Table

Highlights of This Lab:

Lab Exercise:

Click the little computer above for a detailed description.
For this excercise you will be asked to implement a password checking system to authenticate a users password.

1. Definition of a Hash Table

Before we get into the definition of Hash Tables, it is good to introduce WHY to use Hash tables.

Hash tables are good for doing a quick search on things.

For instance if we have an array full of data (say 100 items). If we knew the position that a specific item is stored in an array, then we could quickly access it. For instance, we just happen to know that the item we want it is at position 3; I can apply:

With this, we don't have to search through each element in the array, we just access position 3.

The question is, how do we know that position 3 stores the data that we are interested in?

This is where hashing comes in handy. Given some key, we can apply a hash function to it to find an index or position that we want to access.

1.1 What is the hash function?

There are many different hash functions. Some hash functions will take an integer key and turn it into an index. A common one is the division method.

Let's learn through an example:

1.2 Division method (one hash method for integers)

Let's say you had the following numbers or keys that you wanted to map into an array of 10 elements:


To apply the division method, you could divide the number by 10 (or the maximum number of elements in the array) and use the remainder (the modulo) as an index. The following would result:

123456 % 10 = 6 (the remainder is 6 when dividing by 10)
123467 % 10 = 7 (the remainder is 7)
123450 % 10 = 0 (the remainder is 0)

These numbers would be inserted into the array at positions 6, 7, and 0 respectively. It might look something like this:

The important thing with the division method is that the keys are integers.

1.3 What happens when the keys aren't integers?

You have to apply another hash function to turn them into integers. Effectively, you get two hash functions in one:

  1. function to get an integer
  2. function to apply a hash method from above to get an index to an array

What do we mean that the keys aren't integers? Well, let's say that the keys are people's names. Such as:

Sarah Jones
Tony Balognie
Tom Katz

The goal is to type in one of these names and get an index to an array in order to access that information. How do we do this?
The hash function has to do two things:

  1. Convert the names into integers
  2. Apply a hash method to get an index

1.4 What would that look like in the array?

The array is known as a hash table. It stores the key (used to find the index) along with associated values. In the above example, we might have a hash table that looked something like this:

Again, the idea is that we will insert items into the hash table using the key and applying the hash function(s) to get the index.

A problem occurs when two keys yield the same index. For Instance, say we wanted to include:
John Smith --> 948 % 10 --> 8

We have a collision because Sarah Jones is already stored at array index 8.

We need a method to resolve this. The resolution comes in how you create your hash table. There two major approaches given in the book:

  1. Linear Probing
  2. Chaining
The approach used in this lab is referred to as chaining.

The details are left as class material, but recognize that in chaining you have an array of linked lists. All the data in the "same link", have colliding index values.

Consider a diagram of the above example. Remember, there was a collision with Sarah Jones and John Smith. Notice that John Smith is "chained" or "linked" after Sarah Jones.

1.5 Applications of a Hash Table

Hash tables are good in situations where you have enormous amounts of data from which you would like to quickly search and retrieve information. A few typical hash table implementations would be in the following situations:

1.6 Typical Operations of a Hash Table

The functions associated with our implementation of the hash table are the following:

2. Application: Looking up Passwords

The following section outlines an algorithm for authenticating a user's password. Later, in the lab exercise, you will be given the skeleton code and asked to add lines to make it work.

One possible use for a hash table is to store computer user login usernames and passwords.

There are two major steps to this program:
  1. The program will load username/password sets from the file password.dat and insert them into the hash table until the end of file is reached on password.dat. The password.dat file will look something like this with one username/password set per line:
    jack	broken.crown
    jill	tumblin'down
    mary	contrary
    bopeep	sheep!lost

  2. The program will then present a login prompt, read one username, present a password prompt, and after looking up the username's password in the hash table, will print either "Authentication successful" or "Authentication failure". The output might look something like this:
    Login: mary
    Password: contrary
    Authentication successful
    Login: jim 
    Password: contrary
    Authentication failure
    Login: bopeep
    Password: sheeplost
    Authentication failure
Step 2 will be repeated until the end of the input data (EOF) is reached on the console input stream (cin). The EOF character on the PC's is the CTRL Z character.

Let's fill in some of the details:

To convert from a string to an integer, we can add the ascii value of each character together. For instance, mary's conversion from string to integer might look something like this:
109('m') + 97('a') + 114('r') + 121('y')=441
The code will look like this:
    int hash(const string str) const
        int val = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) 
            val += str[i];
        return val;
We've converted the string to an integer, but we still need to convert the integer to an index. For an array of 10 elements we can divide by 10 and use the remainder as an index. Combining these two hash functions, we will get some code that looks like this:
   int index = dataItem.hash ( searchKey ) % 10;
Therefore mary's index will be:
 441 % 10 = 1.

3. Lab Exercise

Test Plan for "Login" Simulation Program
Login:       Password:       Authentication
mary contrary successful  
jim contrary failure  
bopeep sheeplost failure  
bopeep sheep!lost successful  

4. Postlab Exercises

For postlab exercices, click here.

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